write off沖銷

In accounting, we use write off to reduce the value of, normally, assets as shown in the books of the company. For example, there is a trade debtor with an amount $100 due from him. The company has tried several times to get back this amount but failed. T

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  • write-off中文n.1.注銷,沖銷。2.貶值;折舊。3.報廢物。…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋write-off的中文翻譯,write-off的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
    write-off中文翻譯,write-off是什麼意思:n.1.注銷,沖…《查查》 ...
  • 直接轉銷法(Direct write-off method)直接轉銷法是指在實際發生壞賬時,將壞賬損失直接計入期間費用,同時沖銷應收賬款。在直接轉銷法下,企業不需設置“壞賬準備”科...
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  • 首先 write off 有著 (債務)一筆勾銷之意 這個片語我印象很深刻 因為在我印象中.. "單挑" ... Write off of bad debts:...
    write off - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果
  • write off accounts中文沖銷賬目…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋write off accounts的中文翻譯,write off accounts的發音,音標,用...
    write off accounts中文翻譯,write off accounts是什麼意思:沖銷 ...
  • In accounting, we use write off to reduce the value of, normally, assets as shown in the b...
    會計常用字 write off 是甚麼 ? | Yahoo 知識+
  • 共發現 4 筆關於 [write+off] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] write-off 銷帳 來源(2...
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  • 1. to charge against; to write-off 沖銷錯誤 to offset an error Dr.eye 譯典通 知識+ |約 22 之 1-3 筆 有大...
    沖銷 - Yahoo奇摩字典 搜尋結果
  • 主要負責應收帳務處理,包括各門市業績日報核對、帳款入帳沖銷、交易傳票登打、稅務申報。 ... write- off accounting, daily transaction su...
    急~~請教高手,幫我看一下自傳 | Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • Write-off 沖銷 Expected credit losses 預期信岦損屺 2015年版與2014年版差異分析(IFRS9 ) 2 cash shortfall 現金短收...
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  • 應付账沖銷 Account Payable Write-off 沖銷 Write-off 應收账款账齡分析表 accounts receivable aging schedule ...
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